
StarWind is a one-stop virtualization shop for all the “building blocks” required to construct a full-stack data center infrastructure. We are most certain that the way we combine scalability with simplicity allows our customers to build and scale their environments according to their needs and not according to a limited set of options they're typically offered. Following this way, StarWind promotes hyper-convergence without condemning the traditional compute and storage architecture, being able to provide the customers with turnkey solutions fitted for their specific cases.

StarWind HyperConverged Appliance

StarWind HCA is a 100% software-defined hyperconverged infrastructure designed to minimize applications downtime for companies with limited IT team resources and budgets.

StarWind HyperConverged Appliance ensures constant uptime thanks to synchronous failover clustering between on-premises and public cloud and ability of a 2-node system to withstand 1 node + 1 disk failure. Customers spend zero time on fixing issues since HCA comes with StarWind ProActive Premium Support included by default to prevent the breaks. StarWind HCA brings configuration, migration, and integration efforts to minimum since everything is done by StarWind engineers at no additional cost. All that – with a price 2x lower than a Tesla Model 3 for a 2-node system.